Score: Eight Cryptograms
For solo piano [2015]
Duration: c.11 ½ mins.
Eight Cryptograms are a set of piano miniatures constructed individually from pitch-based encryptions of musical personalities that have, in some form, influenced the composer’s creative output. Each piece attempts to portray its unique creative persona whilst retaining the composer’s own specific compositional processes. The first miniature, written in 2011 and originally titled Cameo for Carla, became the catalyst for the composition of a further seven at the request of the composer’s publisher, David Shepherd.
- for C.R.
- for G.C.
- for S.B.
- for O.M.
- for J.H.
- for G.L.
- for G.L. (2)
- for M.P.
© Patrick Nunn 2015